Acquires FysioSupplies – a Dutch total supplier for physiotherapy | Asker Healthcare Group
The market leader for health products for physical therapy in the Netherlands, FysioSupplies, is joining forces with the Asker Healthcare Group in the Netherlands. Thanks to this agreement FysioSupplies will be able to accelerate its international expansion agenda in Europe.
FysioSupplies offers total solutions for physiotherapy practices with a large online offer. Mark van de Camp, business development director at Netherlands:
"The entrepreneurship of FysioSupplies and their desire to excel fits well with our group’s culture. We both aim to improve patient outcome and lower the total cost-of-care which benefit patients as well as society as a whole."
FysioSupplies offers an extensive range of health products: from consumables, exercise materials, measurement and treatment equipment to complete rehab solutions. The company is market the leader in the Netherlands and is also active in nine other countries in Europe.