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Qualitative data

TopicDisclosureRead more
Board CompositionCommitment to diversity
Board CompositionIndependent chair
Business EthicsEmployee training on Code
Business EthicsAnnual signoff of the policy on bribery and corruption by employees
Business EthicsCompliance procedures
Business EthicsWhistleblowing, Non-retaliation policy
Business EthicsWhistleblowing, Evidence of escalation procedures in the event of ethics violation
Business EthicsBusiness ethics management. Protected ethics advice and reporting mechanisms. A description of internal and external mechanisms for: a) seeking advice about ethical and lawful behaviour and organisational integrity; and b) reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behaviour and lack of organisational integrity.
GovernanceGovernance body composition. Composition of the highest governance body and its committees by: competencies relating to economic, environmental and social topics; executive or non-executive; independence; tenure on the governance body; number of each individual’s other significant positions and commitments, and the nature of the commitments; gender; membership of under-represented social groups; stakeholder representation.
GovernanceCorporate governance
GovernanceBoard committees
Purpose & valuesPurpose: Setting purpose. The company’s stated purpose, as the expression of the means by which a business proposes solutions to economic, environmental and social issues. Corporate purpose should create value for all stakeholders, including shareholders
RemunerationTotal number of senior executives (defined as the top-tier executives as indicated company on website).
Reporting & transparencyMaterial issues impacting stakeholders. A list of the topics that are material to key stakeholders and the company, how the topics were identified and how the stakeholders were engaged.
Reporting & transparencyTransparency
Reporting & transparencyStakeholder engagement and materiality
Reporting & transparencySocial reporting
Reporting & transparencyEnvironmental/climate impact reporting

Qualitative data

Business ethicsWhistleblowing reviews (internal)1--
Business ethicsEmployees trained in and signed the Asker Code of Conduct%98%--
EducationAverage number of training hours provided by the Group per employee1,32--
SuppliersCOGS of covered by the Asker Supplier Code of Conduct%71%--
SuppliersSuppliers that signed the Asker Supplier Code of Conduct%37%--
SuppliersNumber of active third-party manufacturers272627
SuppliersNumber of third-party manufacturers screened against labour rights criteria in the past 24 months25198
SuppliersPercentage of third-party manufacturers screened in the last 24 months%93%73%67%
SuppliersNumber of manufacturing sites screened (a third-party manufacturer may have several sites)301927
SuppliersNumber of audits conducted on existing, potential and new third-party manufacturers333038
SuppliersPercentage of new third-party manufacturers screened against social criteria%100% (2/2)N/A100%
SuppliersNumber of third-party manufacturers identified as having major negative social impact4 (15%)821
SuppliersNumber of third-party manufacturers identified as having remedied major negative social impact3 (11%)821
SuppliersNumber of third-party manufacturers where Asker terminated the cooperation during the year due to major negative social impact2 (7%)--
SuppliersCases of discrimination at, and measures taken by, third-party manufacturers2 (7%)23
SuppliersThird-party manufacturers where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk23 (85%)2223
SuppliersThird-party manufacturers where there is a risk of child/forced labour1/31/00/2
SuppliersNumber of active third-party manufacturers screened against environmental criteria1--
SuppliersPercentage of active third-party manufacturers screened against environmental criteria4%--
Patient safety & product qualityComplaints Per Million (CPM) – Number of complaints received divided by total number of products sold as an estimate of product quality*0.0530.12-


* Data from largest manufacturer in the group; Evercare Medical AB and OneMed Group Oy were assessed.

More information  - Governance

Commitment to diversity

Asker Healthcare Group’s commitment to diversity is embedded in the Code of Conduct that set out our values and goes right through the organisation, starting with the Board. We embrace and leverage the benefits of diversity, including differences of thought, knowledge, skill, experience, cultural and geographical background, age, ethnicity, race and gender.

Independent chair

All board members are independent in relation to the company and half of the board members are independent in relation to major shareholders, including the chairman of the board.

Business ethics

Asker encourages entrepreneurial spirit as well as conducting business according to high moral and ethical standards. The Code of Conduct translates Asker’s core values into behaviours and provides guidance on how we are expected to act. All employees have access to the Code as an e-learning and also an e-learning about Anti-Bribery and Corruption. Read more about Asker Business School.

All employees have access to the whistleblowing channel where they can report concerns about unethical or unlawful behaviour. Read more about Whistleblowing.