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Sustainability reporting

Asker Healthcare Group has committed to and signed the UN Global Compact and the principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

In addition, we are committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) where, due to the nature of our business, our primary focus is on supporting good health and wellbeing.

We support this by improving patient outcomes and reducing total cost of care while ensuring a fair and sustainable value chain. Secondary, focus areas are gender equality, decent work and economic growth, peace, justice and strong institutions, as well as working for responsible consumption and production and climate action.


Sustainability reports 

Asker’s sustainability reports presents the ESG strategy and summarises the main achievements and challenges of the reporting year. It is also a progress report that presents how Asker's sustainability work is evolving over time.

The reports are prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards.

The Sustainability Report 2023 forms part of Asker’s 2023 Annual and Sustainability Report, which is available here. This explains why pagination commences on page 30. 

Sustainability Report 2023, PDF

Sustainability Report 2022, PDF

Sustainability Report 2021, PDF