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Asker is committed to conduct business in a fair and ethical way. Our good reputation is based on integrity and sound business practice. We strive to maintain a transparent business environment and high standards in line with our Code of conduct.

As an employee within the group you have an important role by raising concerns such as non-compliance with laws or regulations, violations of our Code of conduct or other forms of serious ethical misconduct. We seek to sustain a culture that encourages everyone to speak up. You will not suffer any retaliation or other negative consequences for raising concerns in good faith.

We investigate, handle and follow up on all forms of reporting. A person responsible for a breach will face appropriate consequences. Local Whistleblowing Teams must report decisions and outcome of completed investigations to the Group Whistleblowing Team.

Systemic issues in the organisation will be carefully considered in order to prevent similar breaches in the future. The Group Whistleblowing Team regularly present statistics of reported whistleblowing cases to the Board.


Reporting of a concern may be done in several ways: 
  • Contact your manager, management team, HR or legal department
  • Online through our WhistleB channel: or if you believe that internal and direct management of a concern by Asker is not possible (e.g. when concerns or suspicions relate to the Group CEO or a board member), you can use Nalka’s whistleblowing platform instead. Nalka’s whistleblowing guidelines are presented here:
  • Call +46 8 556 011 00 where you will be directed to the Whistleblowing Team at Asker

WhistleB ensures the anonymity of the whistleblower. The service is separate from the organisation's IT environment. WhistleB does not track IP addresses or other data that could identify a person sending a message. Messages are encrypted and can only be decrypted by designated individuals. WhistleB cannot decrypt and read messages.