Sustainability report 2021 published

“The need for supplies, devices and equipment in the healthcare sector puts pressure on our planet in terms of production, transportation and waste. As a vital link between production and consumption, we aim to drive the changes needed for a more sustainable healthcare. To ensure we do our part, we have during 2021 set a new, more ambitious ESG-strategy and also taken significant steps within all ESG-areas. Progress is vital for the healthcare sector’s long term success”, says Johan Falk CEO Asker Healthcare Group.
Asker’s sustainability report for 2021 presents the new ESG strategy and summarises the main achievements and challenges of the reporting year. It is also a progress report that presents how Asker's sustainability work is evolving over time.
The UN Global Compact’s 10 principles, which Asker signed in 2021, and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set the context for Asker's ESG work, with primary focus being SDG 3 – good health and wellbeing.
The report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards.
For further information, please contact:
Emma Rheborg, Head of Communication Asker Healthcare Group
Phone: +46 73 313 62 17