Asker awarded renewed Platinum rating from EcoVadis

“Ecovadis raises the bar every year for their ratings, which spurs us to continuously improve. I am very proud that our activities and high ambitions within sustainability get this acknowledgement. It is a recognition of the whole group’s relentless work to drive progress and contribute to a more sustainable healthcare sector,” says Sanna Norman, Head of ESG at Asker Healthcare Group.
This year, Asker has improved especially within the assessment area Environment, as a result of more systematic work including more companies in the group certified according to ISO 14001.
This is the third year Asker is evaluated by Ecovadis, and as previous years, Asker scores highest within Sustainable Procurement, which measures how well the company collaborates with suppliers to ensure they fulfil the company’s standards in business ethics, responsible sourcing and taking measures to reduce emissions.
EcoVadis evaluates companies based on the standards of GRI, UNGC, ILO and ISO 26000 within Environmental, Labour & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. The assessment is made via internal documentation from Asker as well as third party professionals and external stakeholders.
For further information, please contact:
Emma Rheborg, Head of Communication Asker Healthcare Group
Phone: +46 73 313 62 17